Sunday 16 May 2010

BQA weekend in Derbyshire, October 1-3 2010

This weekend for beginners and those with some quarterstaffing experience will be held at Unstone Grange www.unstonegrange.co.uk in Derbyshire.

We have booked a camping field and a barn. Bring your own tent. Instruction and meals will be provided. The cost will be £70.

To book a place email: quarterstaff@hotmail.co.uk

San Francisco Practice Event June 5th-6th, July 3rd-4th

Hombres-G (a San Francisco bay area peaceful warrior fraternity), is hosting Ian Rose, Instructor of the British Quarterstaff Association, in a 4-part series of Quarterstaff Instruction. The first session will be held over the weekend of 5th and 6th June in Berkeley, and there will be a follow up session on the weekend of 3rd-4th July.

Full details here.